“The Shepherd drives the wolf from the sheep’s throat, for which the sheep thanks the shepherd as his liberator, while the wolf denounces him for the same act. Plainly the sheep and the wolf are not agreed upon a definition of the word liberty; and precisely the same difference prevails today among human creatures." Abraham LincolnI dare not suppose we would find America in a finer moral state than now, had our fathers and grandfathers not stood up in their time and attempted to maintain a standard. I would suppose, however, that the liberties that we as Christian American’s now lack are a direct result of robbing certain liberties from our liberal counterparts (for lack of a better term). What I mean by that is this: had the ability to take freedom for granted and violate the moral inclinations of some been upheld for those who would abuse liberty, our freedoms as religious people, and moral beings would also remain intact.
You see, we have all been endowed by God, the creator of the universe, with the right to CHOOSE our way of life. This is a divine right, a spiritual right, which precedes and presupposes all human and political rights. I might dare say that a religion instituted and intended upon a nation will simultaneously rob its citizens of this divine right to choose (for good, or for bad). When an issue of the soul becomes and issue of the flesh, neither the flesh nor the soul will ultimately be transformed.
I applaud our founding fathers for their zeal and intent in trying to form a government and a nation “Under God.” Yet, I can’t help but question whether they have either the right or the power to impose upon any people something that even the creator of the universe would not consider. It has long been the practice of Christians in politics to attempt to control the moral choices of individuals in this nation through legislative process. To some degree, this process has been successful in creating the guise of a “Christian Nation.” This, however, fails the litmus test of validity when stretched out over a long period of time. Any group of people, left to their own devices, cannot create a society of true peace, joy, and moral fortitude; it just does not hold up over time. Legislating morality is an attempt at the divine plan, without the divine power.
True freedom lies in the ability to choose, for good or bad. Without all of the options present, we are simply patronizing ourselves with the fallacy of choice. When we sensor artists from expressing their true artistic muse, we simultaneously remove our own liberty to enjoy the aforementioned art. As all freedoms are, this one is sacrificed in the name of fear. We fear that we or our children will make the wrong choice, so we make every attempt to remove the option from existence. We have violated the rights of others by this, and all because of our fear. I would even say we have sacrificed our freedom, and the freedom of others for safety’s sake.
As was the case with the people of Israel, throughout the entire Old Testament, a generation came along in America who “forgot the Lord,” and made themselves idols and sacrificed on the alters of pagan deities. While some chose to retain the Lord in their minds, these same people did not know how to speak prophetically, but only how to protest politically. And so, we see the foundations of American political moral legislation. By the end, this means has proven itself ineffective at either stopping moral decay, or even so much as slowing it down. If you will recall, it was never the King who instituted real change in the climate of the culture of God’s chosen people; that task was handled by the Prophets.
We will not change America by Religious Right political activism. We will not earn the right to pray in schools, or to teach the truth of creation science by political protest and legislative protocol. We will not stop the advance of homosexuality and abortion by demonstrations of hatred and condescension outside of government buildings. We must embrace these choices as the product of a fallen human state; simply carrying on, about our father’s business. Anything less than the truth of God’s word combined with the boldness and strength of the prophetic voice is mere spinelessness with eternal consequence for countless souls. If the teachings of the man whose name we bear led him to the cross, why do we go so peacefully and quietly into our self-assured paradise?
I feel even as I write them that these thoughts seem scandalous and severe. They are contrary to EVERYTHING I have ever been taught, but I believe they are true. I do not believe the Kingdom of God will advance while the people of God live in safety. If I am focused so much on my own rights, my own agendas, and my own comfort, the world will continue to decay. Your right is to choose; for good, or for bad, that is the God given right of every individual on earth. If that right is taken from one, it is taken from all.
“They that can give up essential liberty to obtain temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” Benjamin FranklinI know what this must look like, with quotations from Abraham Lincoln and Benjamin Franklin, discussing political liberty and legislative process; this would appear to be a political statement. To some degree, it is, but it is a political statement under the all-encompassing shroud of Christian spirituality. You see, freedom from the politics of political systems, and the fear of governments are a hindrance to genuine Christian faith. When Pontius Pilate asked Jesus if he was a King, he responded in John 18:36 by saying,
“My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jews. But now my kingdom is from another place.”Why are Christians so preoccupied with political systems of this world?
Please, make no mistake about it; I am not saying we ought not to thank God for the blessings of our political system. And I’m certainly not saying we should not be involved in its work, or attempting to maintain moral principals in government, I am simply saying that we must take our focus off the things of this world, and focus solely on the kingdom of God. It is only with this end in mind will our means be either justified or effective. It is not a political battle we are struggling in, it is spiritual. Our enemy knows that, but we have to remember who our enemy is. He would have us believe our enemies are liberals, “non-Christians”, and politicians with a left wing agenda. The truth is, they are slaves to the lies that they have been told for so long. Our greatest weapon is the truth.
John 18:37. “You are a king, then!” Said Pilate. Jesus answered, “You are right in saying that I am a king. In fact, for this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.”It has become apparent that there is a vital connection between freedom and truth. It is the truth and only the truth that will make us free.
Ephesians 6:12 “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”
1 comment:
wow. AMEN!!!
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